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Sunday, October 23, 2011

Research Ethic Methodology

              Now, in this world there are full of ethics such as medical ethics, legal ethics of lawyers, and environmental ethics of all of us to research ethics of researcher. The behavior of a human is primarily determined by two factors, those of law established by particular government and morality accepted by the society.
            The subject that studied of the concept of moral principle and moral rules of good conduct accepted by a certain culture or society is the meaning of that `Ethic `. Research ethic involves the application of basic ethical principle to scientific and academic research. The integrity of any research depends on not only its scientific arrange but on its ethical sufficiency also. Ethical issues are variety and may be quite multipart. All research should be guided by a set of basic ethical principles to guarantee the protection of human participants.
            The reasons why it is important to obey the ethical norms in research are; (1) some norm can give rise the research aims such as; knowledge, truth and avoidance of error (2) as a deal of cooperation and coordination among people involves in research, ethical standards encourage the values to collaborate work, trust, accountability, mutual respect, and fairness (3) the ethical norms ensure that researcher can be held accountable to the public (4) ethical norms assist to build public support for research. Finally, research norms promote other moral and social values, social responsibility, human rights, animal welfare, compliance with the law, and safety.read more
            The researcher should develop qualities such as honesty, objectivity, carefulness, openness, respected for individual property, respected for religious and cultural identity. Under the word of `Plagiarism` a researcher should not copy other`s ideas, words and works in his report and must avoid as it is his own. It is the worst offence and unethical. Depending on his own ideas, and theories, one should develop the practice to originate words and ideas to be acknowledgement within a text. He can provide for direction from other`s work and reference a wide gravity of sources.
The researcher must fellow researchers, respondents, the public and academic community. Honesty is essential in writing and accurate descriptions require what and how you have done it, obtained information, used technique, the analysis, research of experiment and all concerning parts. A researcher must maintain scientific objectivity and acknowledged also explained the reason for possibility of bias for personal judgments and easement should be given. He should also analyses research aim from an ethical viewpoint. If research aims to gain mere knowledge and understanding of a phenomenon, such a quest has no ethical consequence. His expansion of knowledge should regard as a good thing.

         Research language must be as natural as possible words also phrases must be common use and imprecise. One must be constantly aware of real meaning terms and their use within particular context. A researcher in using human participants must avoid dishonest persuasion, should not do official posing, unrealistic manner and untrue promises. He must obtain the consent of participants in advance, writing agreement of organizations and the date that he has collected must be sensitive. Therefore, there are called research ethic systems of methodology.          

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