Buddhist World For All Being to be warmly welcome Here, Gift Men Seize Time And Work As Their Opportunity, They made Them Great And Crown

Friday, September 2, 2011

Dependent Origination

                                        WHERE is the true Man’s Nibbana?
                                             Is it where he by chance is born?
                                             Dot not the yearning spirit scorn
                                             In such scants borders to be spanned?
                                                    O, yes! His Nibbana must be
                                            As the Dependent Origination wide and free!
             Is it alone where freedom is,
                                           Where being is being and Man is Man?
                                           Dot he not claim a broader span
                                           For the Non-Soul’s love of home than this?
                                                     O, yes! His Nibbana must be
                                          As the Dependent Origination wide and free!read more

                                          Where’er a human heart dot wears
                                          Joy’s myrtle-wreath or sorrow’s hyres,
                                          Where’er a human spirit strives
                                           In a life more true and fair,
                                         There is the true man’s birthplace grand,
                                               His is a world-wide Nibbana!

                                       Where’er a single slave dot pine,
                                       Where’er one man may help another,
                                       Thank do for such a birthright, brother,
                                       That spot of earth is thine and mine!
                                      There is the true man’s birthplace grand,
                                               His is a world-wide Nibbana!             

 Composed By Ven.Puññavamsa (Ramanna)

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